The Kenyan Police on Friday arrested an outspoken member and a leader of the opposition National Super Alliance (NASA), Miguna Miguna in a dawn raid on his Nairobi home.
Reports say the armed police officers used explosives to breakdown the door of his apartment before he was arrested and taken away.
Miguna is a provocative firebrand opposition figure who attended Tuesday’s mock swearing-in of opposition leader, Raila Odinga as the ‘peoples president’ in defiance of last year’s presidential elections which saw the emergence of Uhuru Kenyatta for a second term in office.
Miguna had on Thursday dared the police to arrest him after signing Odinga’s oath and called on supporters to all over the country to ‘take down portraits of illegitimate President Kenyatta’ and burn them.
Miguna’s arrest followed that of T.J. Kajwang, a lawyer and MP who was arrested on Wednesday and is due to be charged with treason and unlawful assembly. Both men played vital roles in the mock swearing in, flanking Odinga as he took an oath while clutching the Bible.
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