In a heartbreaking incident, seventeen individuals have tragically lost their lives in a devastating boat mishap at Dandeji Village, situated in the Shagari Local Government Area of Sokoto State. Local authorities have confirmed the unfortunate incident, revealing that the victims were predominantly boys and girls. While a few passengers managed to escape, local divers are currently engaged in a search operation to locate several missing individuals.
Eyewitnesses report that the ill-fated boat was ferrying over 40 young girls and boys who had embarked on a mission to collect firewood from a nearby forest when the vessel capsized, resulting in the loss of lives.
Aliyu Dantani, Chairman of the local Council, expressed his condolences and shared that the bodies of the victims have been recovered by local divers and laid to rest in accordance with Islamic customs. The community remains in mourning as they grapple with this devastating loss.
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