Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have signed an agreement pledging mutual assistance in the event of aggression against either country. The pact, announced after talks between the two leaders, marks Putin’s first visit to North Korea since 2000.

Putin’s visit was met with grand ceremonies, including a 21-gun salute, military fly-bys, and a parade of honor. The Russian president’s arrival was delayed but greeted warmly by Kim with an embrace and a red carpet welcome.

“This agreement takes our relationship to a new, high level of alliance,” Kim declared, highlighting the deepening ties between the two nations. Observers note that the pact could have significant global implications, potentially involving mutual defense cooperation and collaboration on military technology.

The agreement has raised concerns in the West, with fears that it could lead to Russia assisting North Korea in a conflict on the Korean peninsula, while North Korea might openly support Russia in its war in Ukraine. Kim has already been accused of supplying weapons to Russia, and Putin is believed to be providing North Korea with space technology that could bolster its missile program.

During their last meeting in Russia in September, the two leaders discussed military cooperation, which led to suspicions of an arms deal. Evidence has since emerged suggesting that Russia has deployed North Korean missiles in Ukraine.

The United States and NATO allies have recently allowed Ukraine to use Western weapons on Russian soil, a move that Kyiv hopes will shift the conflict in its favor. In response, Putin has hinted at arming adversaries of the West with long-range weapons, an area where North Korea has shown significant progress.

Putin criticized the West’s sanctions on Russia and North Korea, asserting that both nations will continue to resist what he termed as “sanctions strangling” to maintain “hegemony.” Kim echoed these sentiments, offering “full support and solidarity” for Russia in its ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The new treaty is likely to anger South Korea, which had warned Russia against deepening ties with North Korea. National Security Adviser Chang Ho-jin suggested that Russia should consider its long-term relationship with South Korea post the Ukraine conflict.

Analysts warn that the agreement could exacerbate global weapons proliferation, with Russia potentially providing advanced military technology to North Korea. This might also open the door to North Korean soldiers assisting Russia in Ukraine, according to experts like Chad O’Carroll from NK News.

Putin’s visit was marked by a series of elaborate ceremonies, including a gala concert and a state banquet featuring Korean delicacies. The festivities concluded with an exchange of gifts: Putin gave Kim a luxury Aurus car, a ceremonial admiral’s dagger, and a tea set, while Kim presented artworks featuring Putin.

The visit underscored the historical ties between Russia and North Korea, dating back to the Soviet era when Russia played a crucial role in supporting the Kim regime. Observers believe Kim requested aid such as food, fuel, and technology from Russia, given North Korea’s dire economic situation exacerbated by international sanctions.

Experts suggest that both leaders are leveraging their alliance to counteract the impact of international sanctions, aiming to create an alternative network of allies beyond US influence. This aligns with the “multipolar” world view advocated by Russia, China, and other states as a counter to the US-led international order.

The strengthening of the Russia-North Korea alliance signals a significant shift in geopolitical dynamics, with potential repercussions for global security and diplomatic relations.