N8.15 trillion from the Federation Account was reportedly shared among the Federal Government, the 36 States and the 774 Local Governments across Nigeria in 2019. This is according to the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI) in the latest edition of its Industry Quarterly Review report.
In a statement issued by NEITI’s Director, Communications & Advocacy, Dr. Orji Ogbonnaya Orji, the Federal Government received N3.37 trillion, representing 41.4% of total disbursements, the 36 state governments got N2.761 trillion (33.9%) while the 774 local governments shared N1.649 trillion (20.2%) of the total disbursements.
The N8.15 trillion is 4.42% lower than the 2018 figure of N8.524trillion but N1.728trillion or 26.92% higher than the total disbursements of N6.419trillion made in 2017. However, in terms of the manner of disbursements, the revenue sharing done in 2019 is the same with 2018 and 2017.
The report also disclosed that 2013 recorded the highest disbursements of N9.742 trillion, followed by 2014 with N8.595 trillion. 2018 came third with N8.524 trillion while 2019 had the fourth-highest disbursements of N8.147 trillion.
Osun and Cross River states received the lowest allocation of N24.14 billion and N36.22 billion while Delta State received the highest disbursement of N218.58 billion.
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