Experts have warned that uncontrollable climate change could be just decades away from rendering parts of the planet uninhabitable when temperatures reach 2 above pre-industrial levels

According to scientists, the Earth’s global temperature is 1  away from a climatic tipping point that threatens the future of humanity, adding that the planet was just decades away from the event that will trigger unprecedented global warming.

The findings show that the Earth’s temperature is already half way there and if the tipping point is reached it would create a ‘Hothouse Earth’ state of uncontrollable climate change.

The article written by the scientists titled ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences’ say this event would pose severe risks for health, economies, political stability, and ultimately, the habitability of the planet for humans.

Their research also highlighted 10 feedback processes that were predicted to kick in at around 2of global warming, emphasizing that in the long-term, the ‘Hothouse Earth’ climate would stabilize at a global average of 4 – 5 above pre-industrial levels.

They claim if that eventually happens, it would render swathes of the planet around the equator uninhabitable, with sea levels rising up to 60 metres (197ft) higher than they are today, threatening coastal cities.

A leading member of the team from the University of Stockholm, Sweden, Professor Johan Rockstrom said the tipping elements could potentially act like a row of dominoes.

“Once one is pushed over, it pushes Earth towards another. It may be very difficult or impossible to stop the whole row of dominoes from tumbling over. Places on Earth will become uninhabitable if Hothouse Earth becomes the reality,” Rockstrom said.